Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit Luke 23:44-49 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. (Luke 23:46)The first of the seven sayings of Christ on the Cross was "Father". Then on the fourth saying He said "My God, My God". And on the last saying He said "Father". How miraculous, that the relationship between the Father and the Son is from eternity to eternity. Forever He called God as "Father", but on the moment when He had to carry the punishment of sins for the whole human race, Father had to left the Son. On the moment when He was burdened with unspeakable sufferings, He could not call God as "Father", because He stood on the position of a sinful man, He had to call God as "God". After that, the relationship between Father and Son was reunited, and so, after He finished the promise of salvation , not only He said "It is finished", but even more He commend His spirit to the Father. In this world, there are many people that sacrificed their lives for others, for the people they love or maybe for their countries. But often this sacrifice is not given willingly, because if possible, they would still cling on to their lives. But it was not that way with Jesus, if He didn't give up His life, then we won't have eternal life. But He is a God of life, so He said: "No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again (John 10:18)". If it was not Him that gave up His own life, the whip, rod, and crown of thorns from the Roman soldiers would not be able to take His life, not even the nails of the cross. Praise God, He endured a great suffering so that we will be freed from the horrible payment of sin. He gave up His life and surrendered it to Father, for us to have everlasting life. Because of that, even if our entire body are crumbled, it will not be enough to return His love. How are we loving Him right now? ••• Sunday, April 11, 2004 ••• |
About Myself
Born on 23 March 1984 New-Born on 10 August 2003 Residing in Surabaya, Indonesia Petra Christian University, Informatics Eng. E-Mail : chaoticblue@gmail.com Yahoo : blu3_dr4g00n@yahoo.com MSNM : blu3_dr4g00n@hotmail.com Current Music - Aerith's Theme MIDI Taken from Final Fantasy VII MIDI Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
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