Mind Breach

First and foremost, I want to thank David Miller and brother "Stranger" (although I would like to know you more personally) for your encouragements. I appreciate it very much, especially what brother Stranger said about "do not look at the numbers thru your eyes, but thru God's eyes". And coupled with David's comments, it made me think that writing this blog is like doing a MLH (Multi Level Harvesting) :p One might have come and read, and do no more. Yet another might have come, read, and passed it on to more people. Both of them would add the same, one point to my counter, but the second may add more to God's counter, which I will see when I come "Home"...

Castle AssaultAnd now... today's discussion is about a "Mind Breach". I don't know why I like it so much to use a castle in my analogies, maybe because I thought of Him as King. Well, do you know that just a small hole in the castle wall can lead to a total breach of that section of the wall? It's the same with us and sin. We have been covered and protected by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. But sometimes, when temptation comes, we let it in, in small parts first, but in the end it will breach our minds and make us fall. Such is sin's nature: subtle at first, devastating in the end.

There are some steps which can help you fight off sin, according to my personal experience:

1. Identify Your Weakness
Know best what sin will most likely bring you down, as the enemy will use that most oftenly to attack you. It's not hard to find it, but it's hard to acknowledge it and put down our shame to say "Yes, this is where I fall the most". If you know what your weakness sin is, when it comes, there'll be a red halo sign warning you on your mind =)

2. Don't Even Think About It
Yes, when it comes, don't even think about it. Sing psalms, sing hymns, pray, read the Bible, anything to raise up your barrier of protection and turn your mind from sin to God. Why is this necessary? Because the enemy comes at times when you are really in a state where you will be easily defeated. When he comes, he really ensures that he will give you "an offer you can't reject". What could be more tempting than bread for the Son of Man who have fasted for 40 days in the desert? What could be more devastating for Abraham than losing Sarah in Egypt?

3. Beware The Chain Reaction
Don't even think about it also means don't go near it. Maybe you have a weakness in lustful desires like me, and then you decided to look at a women's swimwear/lingeries show on TV, thinking "okay, at least it's not porn". But at that time, you are actually making room for a small hole in the wall. After watching that show, your desires will get pumped more and more to the limit, to the point where you cannot hold it anymore not to look at porn. That's when the small hole in the wall will turn into a total breach and destroy your spiritual barrier. Devil wins, you lose.

The important thing though, is that the steps above are not a "100% guaranteed to work magical solution". It will provide you with ways from falling into the sin, but what exact way can I give you to prevent you from "taking a small peek at sin"? It's the problem we're facing and it's why the Bible says that we can't fight sin on our own, not without God. We may be able to avoid falling right into the depth of the sin, but the most of us won't be able to survive the quicksand that will pull us slowly, slowly down, until without we're realizing it, we're at the bottom.

Do not fear, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will make you strong, yes, I will help you.
Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.

••• Friday, December 12, 2003 •••


Hmmm..... :(Well, people, I have to ask one thing. Have the quality of my writings been degrading lately? I got no more "divine inspirations" to write thoughtful faith-building articles such as my previous Jesus Generation and Why It's So Hard To Find The King, which have been greatly blessed. Now all I can do is to open up this w.Bloggar program, gazing at it and wondering, what should I write? As right now I don't have any inspirations, I'll write the feelings of my heart now. Now I am trying to reach back again to the level of relationship that I once had with Him. It's a very long way to go.

First and foremost, the lack of people who seem to be here have given me a feeling that "nobody reads all this stuff". This feeling in the end pushed me to put up a counter which you can see on the right side, just to satisfy my curiousity about how much people are actually visiting this place. I start to feel that all I write here is useless, the teachings, the articles, all of it. I wanted a ministry, and I have given this blog as a place of ministry, where I ask Him to use it as means of teaching others, strengthening others, building the faith of others. But? Lately I've been just throwing in everything that I can post... just to make it seem "updated". Which I know, is of no use at all.

The number of people who have been asking me to use Indonesian language in my writings have been very astonishing. Which made me wonder, if I have to write in Indonesian JUST to make my blog being read and commented, and in the end defying my own vision and mission to use this blog as a ministry. This blog have been much a blessing in the earlier days to many people from abroad, let's say Marisa, Aibou, and David. Even since the days of the past blog in UJournal, in English, it have been a blessing, and what made me wonder, those days at UJournal, many people have sent their comments in and no one complained about my blog being written in English. The likes of Vi and TG have paid a lot of visits there. But WHY as I now move to Blogspot, then people start to ask me to change the language? Is it only because most of the 2kG Bloggers write in Indonesian? Tell me.

Earth GlobeBut I have decided to continue writing in English. It is an international language, and it fits my mission of worldwide soul harvesting and teaching. Maybe you will tell me that it's too much for one man to do. But if God will let me do so, He will help me do so throught this blog. LEARN ENGLISH, my friends. You can't tell the world about Christ without it, as the time is still far away when the ministers of Christ will speak in their native language, and those who listen will receive it in their own native languages like in Acts 2. Yes, my friends, the time will come, but not presently. Do you want to waste your time waiting it?

••• Thursday, December 11, 2003 •••

Don't Grow Content to Worship Him from Afar

I have a mental picture of you sitting at a table with Him enjoying a high tea together. He separated Himself from His usual celestial companions just to spend time with you and collect heavenly snapshots of the worship in your heart and in your eyes. As you sit at a table with Deity, you realize that many clamor to spend time with Him because of His fame and His power to bless and change human destiny. Yet in that moment of intimacy at tea, He is your loving Father. You instinctively just stretch your hands out toward Him from time to time; at other times you suddenly realize all conversation has stopped, and you are simply gazing at Him in wonder over His love. (God's Eye View, p. 140)
Scripture Reading
Matthew 19:14, where Jesus commands the disciples and professional preachers to make way or get out of the way so little children can come to Him.
Is your worship life with God giving your heavenly Father a series of treasured celestial snapshots of intimate moments of joy, or is He still waiting for you to look up from your work, your problems, your "ministry," and a thousand other earthly concerns? Do you seek private moments with Him merely to present your shopping list, or do you mostly want to express your love for Him? Do you actively look for private moments in His presence or are you content to think of Him briefly from the safety of a pew or an upper balcony seat and then leave Him behind in some church building?

The reality is that most people have never experienced such moments of intimacy with Divinity. Many who call themselves Christians have grown accustomed to living their lives feeling as if God was far away from them-an absentee father of sorts. (p. 141)

Many of us seem content to beg for small change in front of a posh seaside resort, when our name is on the register inside as a special guest of the Owner. We could be enjoying untold joys and refreshment in His presence if we took steps to seek Him, but instead many of us line up outside with our hands out, seeking and finding satisfaction in mere tokens of our inheritance in Him. Are you ready for more? Will you pursue Him with passion, hunger, and determination? He just may allow Himself to be "caught" when you least expect it. Don't grow content to worship Him from afar when He bids you to "come closer."

Lord, I'm too desperate for Your presence to put up with anything less in my life. I'm willing to humble myself as a little child and run to You, even though others around me may criticize or ridicule my outrageous display of affection for You. All I know is that I love You and I will do anything to abide in Your presence.

Taken From: GodChasers.NET Devotionals, Week 8, Day 3

••• Wednesday, December 10, 2003 •••

The Pupil of His Eye

AngelDo you ever wondered how great is the worth of mankind in front of God?
Do you believe if I tell you that mankind is more worthy than the angels of Heaven?
You must have known about the fall of men, but do you know about the fall of angels?
When Lucifer rebels against God, it took one third of the angels to join his side (Rev 12:4).
But different with mankind who sinned, they do not have a promise of a salvation for them.
They will be thrown to Hell, along with Satan, when the time comes for them... (Rev 12:9).
Oh how deep is the love of the LORD for us, that He has given His life for our salvation...

Let us see one part of the Bible written in Hebrews 1:14, that speaks about the relation of angels and men.
Heb 1:14 - "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation?"
Who are the heirs of salvation mentioned on this verse? Us! His children who have been saved by His ministry of salvation that He has made on the Cross. He sent forth His angels to minister for us, to help us, to guide us, and to protect us. Later, in the end (tribulation) times, the ministry of these angels will be shown greatly upon men, as the ones who will protect the believers, and the ones who will pour the cups and open the seals to send great tribulation upon the Earth. The LORD is so loving to His children, so great far beyond our whole understanding.

Who am I, LORD, that You have made me a pupil of Your eye?
How can I ever return Your kindness, other than by praising and worshipping You for ever?

••• Monday, December 08, 2003 •••
About Myself

Born on 23 March 1984
New-Born on 10 August 2003
Residing in Surabaya, Indonesia
Petra Christian University, Informatics Eng.
E-Mail : chaoticblue@gmail.com
Yahoo : blu3_dr4g00n@yahoo.com
MSNM : blu3_dr4g00n@hotmail.com

Current Music - Aerith's Theme MIDI
Taken from Final Fantasy VII MIDI
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

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